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This email hasSimplified CN, Traditional CN and EN three versions . The CN version shall prevail.



你们好。我是HK Core Business Consulting – Supply Chain & Operations 团队的经理 Nicole W。

我实名 举报大中华区高级合伙人 Steven X 对我和我的同事进X骚扰, 同时举报香港 SC&O 咨询团队总监Hilbert T及高级经理Florence T 利用女性下属作为对上级利益输送的Xing资源,以及事后恶意抹黑、污名化受害者的职场霸凌行为。


PS:Hilbert T来自悉尼UNSW新南威尔士大学。


2023 年 2 月 8 日晚 9 点, 我收到同 team 高级经理 F. t 的信息邀请我 9 点半在铜锣湾和 Steven X 唱 K。

我大概在 9:45 到达位于铜锣湾 KTV 包厢,那时在场的有 Nelson C(我团队香 港合伙人), Hilbert T, Florence T 和 Steven X。

9:45 – 11:00

其间陆续有另外五六个同事到场,我和 Steven 坐在一起聊天,他主动加我微信。

期间 Florence 带头开不合时宜的 玩笑,例如:“Nicole (我) 是单身啊,她一个人住,熊总今晚可以去她家。”

我虽觉得在第一次见面的大领导面 前开这种玩笑有些不适,但并不想影响当下的气氛, 也跟大家一笑置之。

事后得知,Hilbert 于当晚 8 点、 10:40 左右打电话和发信息多次催促正在加班的 Junior 女同事小 A 尽快赶来 “陪老板” ,尽管小 A 当时正在客户公司加班到深夜。他说:“我和大老板吃饭喝得很醉,你快来啦! ”“熊总现 在喝得很醉, 你来说什么他都会答应的。”

而他并没有催促邀请其他男同事前来。很明显他对于谁来“陪老板”有 明确的选择性和导向性。

11:00 – 11:15

小A 大概在 11 点左右到达现场。

一进包厢 Hilbert 便跟她说:“坐大老板旁边。”然后便安排她坐到了 Steven 的 右手边。

Florence 在小 A 坐下之后对 Steven 说:“熊总可以揽揽(抱抱) 噢! ”

“玩笑”逐渐升级。Florence 多次大声问 Steven, “熊总是喜欢 Nicole 多点还是小 A 多点啊?”

Steven一会儿 答小 A,一会儿答 Nicole,后逐渐开始主动大声说,“我最喜欢 Nicole”、“长在我的审美上”、“有感觉”等 言论。


Nelson (本 team 香港合伙人)在 11:15 左右离开了现场。

11:15 – 11:30


我、Steven、Hilbert 和另一名女同事坐在一起合唱了几首歌,期间坐在我右手边的 Steven 把左手移到我的腰 上, 之后他竟然开始将手往上移。

我意识到事情严重, 开始扭动身体和夹紧手臂制止。


我加大扭动,并抓住他的手来制止, 他便顺势牵住我的手。

在吓得全身是汗,他 竟然亲了一下我的脸, 然后企图将手从我的衣服底部伸进来,我忍无可忍转头对他说,“Steven,真的不行。”

他 继续尝试,直到我重复说了一遍,他才停止。


我惊魂未定,坐在左边的几个同事马上来问我 ok 吗,我才知道原来坐我左边的同事有感觉到我逐渐加大的动静。

他们建议等下假借去厕所, 回来后和我调换位子。

我在起身去厕所的时候,跟 Hilbert 擦身而过,我对他说, “不行了,尽快结束吧。”他立刻拒绝了我的要求, 我说: “他一直在咸猪手。”

他轻笑了一下说: “噢是吗?”


几分钟后回到包厢, Steven 已经整个人扑在了坐在他右手边的小 A 身上。

根据小 A 事后的描述, 当时 Steven 突然扑过来双手环绕抱住她,其中一只手绕过她的肩膀摸她的胸, 她一直尝试 拉开手, 但感受到 Steven 很大力地坚持继续。

此时她开始向 Florence 和另一个男同事求救, Florence 作为现场唯一的女性高管不仅没有施予援手, 还立起手机对着她和 Steven。

只有那位男同事过来提议小 A 一起回家, 期间也有两名女同事主动过去提出和 Steven 干杯、合照为小 A 解围。

事后我才知道,当时其中一位女同事实在看不下去了, 多次要求 Hilbert 立刻买单结束当晚, Hilbert 才终于同意,而 Florence 当时对这位女同事说:“这个世界就是这么黑暗。”

11:30 之后

离开包厢前, Steven 站起来又拥抱了小 A (超过 10 秒钟) ,然后他又来拥抱我,并且他还试图找我的嘴, 我左挡右挡才得以脱身,事后小 A 对我说, Steven 当时也有尝试在拥抱的时候亲她。

在准备离开包厢之前, Steven 问我:“Nicole 不送我回酒店吗? ”我以不顺路不方便为由拒绝。


Florence 在回家的 Taxi 上,对着其他三位的同事, 发表了以下言论:

“我觉得 Nicole 是 enjoy 的噢。”


“她自己也年纪不小了, 一定对这些男女身体接触有经验啦,知道 boundary 在哪里, from my understanding, 她 不 say no 就是默许。”

当晚到这里基本结束。 此事对我和小 A 的身心造成严重影响,连续几天精神萎靡、心理消极, 小 A 甚至在事情发生 后一周还能感受到Steven 当时捏她胸部的力度,并已决定求助于心理医生。



如今 metoo 运动在全球如火如荼, 社会上支援女性的声音振聋发聩, 作为供职于顶级跨国审计咨询公司十余年的高管,竟能在公开场合利用权职做出如此下 流无耻的举动、发表如此冷漠恶毒的言论,实在让人乍舌。

《黑箱:日本之耻》这本记录真实性侵害的书为什么也叫“日本之耻”,是因为此事件绝不是一个男性加害者之 耻, 而是整个社会、司法、行政、媒体各个系统的耻辱。

从我所经历的此事件来看, 加害者固然可耻, 但更是组织 者、煽动者、冷眼旁观者、粉饰太平者之耻, 是团队价值观和文化之耻,是升职加薪绩效考核体系之耻。

Steven 直接管理大 zhong hua 区的 SC&O 团队,他掌握Hilbert和 Florence 的升迁大权,而在香港, 众人皆知本 team 的生杀大权除了合伙人以外,就在这两人手里。

Steven 的行为固然可耻, 但事态发展至此, 绝对离不开Hilbert和 Florence 的积极组织、怂恿和推波助澜。

在工作延伸场合中召集催促女同事前来陪同 老板、怂恿老板进行肢体接触, 面对性骚扰的发生,两人作为团队核心领导人,不仅没有立刻制止保护下属,反而乐见其成, 并在事后污名化受害者以为自己的所作所为开脱。

两人至今仍然执迷不悟、 不以为然, 事发第二天已经又开始着手安排三月Steven 的访港“团队聚餐”。

事发之后我一直在想,在场所有的男性高管无一例外都有女儿、事后到处抹黑受害者的高级经理自己也身为女性, 他们有没有想过自己的女儿有一天也会进入职场?




他们会不会鼓励自己 的女儿站出来指认加害者、 勇敢地为女性发声呢?


我毕业即加入四大咨询,至今已在四大效力近7 年,期间一直勤恳工作、表现优良、善待下属,在我之前就职的某 四大和如今 EY 共事过的同事都对我的人品、为人处事有目共睹, 我曾多次私下及公开场合表示十分认可四大企业 文化和员工价值观,却没想到如今被区域高层视为草芥肆意践踏、被直属上级利用、作为取悦其顶头上司的性资 源进行利益输送,我也为组织者、怂恿者的冷眼旁观、恶意中伤感到无比心寒和悲哀。

我所受的教育、我立足于世的价值观不允许我忍气吞声、不允许我息事宁人,我无法容忍这样的人、行为、言论、 价值观在 2023 年存在, 我无法容忍在我曾无比喜爱和信任的团队中被这样践踏和恶意抹黑, 我也无法容忍看到只 工作了不到两年的 junior 受到这样的欺凌而手足无措, 我必须站出来发声。

如果我不站出来,这些加害者、组织 者和旁观者会继续倚仗权职扭曲事实、欺凌更多的弱者,会继续肆意抹黑受害者、宣扬受害者有罪论, 会继续助长 乌烟瘴气的团队氛围、影响 EY 的核心价值观和企业形象。

我本想在辞职之后举报此事, 但我夜不能寐,必须立刻做出反击。

我人微言轻,但我深谙四大的核心价值观,我有 理由信任 EY,我有理由相信核心管理层能听到我的发声,并为我们主持公道,我们没有错,我们为什么要害怕?


我不接受任何的道歉和赔偿,只希 望正义能够伸张, 真相能够还原,还受害人一个公道, 还职场女性一个公平,还 EY 一个正直的企业价值观、充满 正义的企业文化和一个充满安全感的工作环境。




Dear Partners and Leaders,

I am Nicole W, a manager from Hong Kong Core Business Consulting – Supply Chain & Operations Team.

Hereby I would like to report Steven Xiong, the senior partner in Greater CN , who sexually has harassed me and my colleague , in addition to Hong Kong SC&O Consulting Team Director Hilbert Tsang and Senior Manager Florence tang for using female subordinates as sexual resources for the benefit of their superior, as well as workplace bullying behaviors including maliciously smearing and stigmatizing victims afterwards.

It is a pity to get in touch with you for such a reason, and I hope you can take a few minutes to read this email.


At 9:00 pm on February 8, 2023, I received a message from Florence Tang to invite me to a KTV party at 9:30 in Causeway Bay with Steven Xiong. I arrived at around 9:45pm at Room 52, Red Mr. KTV, No. 482 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay. There were Nelson Chow (Hong Kong partner of my team), Hilbert Tsang, Florence Tang and Steven Xiong in the room.

9:45 – 11:00

During this period, another five or six colleagues joined us one after another. I sat and chatted with Steven, and he asked to add me on WeChat. Florence took the lead in making inappropriate jokes, for example: "Nicole (myself) is single, she lives alone, Boss Xiong can go to her house tonight." Although I felt that it was uncomfortable to make such a joke in front of a senior leader whom I met for the first time , I did not want to affect the current atmosphere, so I laughed it off with everyone.

It was later learned that Hilbert called and sent messages several times at around 8:00 and 10:40 that night to urge another junior female colleague A, who was working overtime, to come to "accompany the boss" as soon as possible, even though A was working overtime at the client company until late that night. He said: "I was very drunk with the big boss, you come faster!" "Boss Xiong is very drunk now, he will agree to anything you say." But he did not urge to invite other male colleagues to come . It is obvious that he has a clear choice and direction for who needs to come and "accompany the boss".

11:00– 11:15

A arrived at the scene around 11pm. As soon as she entered the room, Hilbert told her, "Sit next to the big boss." Then he arranged for her to sit on Steven's right. Florence said to Steven after A sat down: "Boss Xiong can hug her!"

The "joke" gradually escalated. Florence asked Steven loudly many times, "Do you like Nicole or A more?" Steven answered A for a few times then answered Nicole for a few times, and gradually began to say loudly, "My favorite is Nicole", "She is my type", "I have feelings". I can only answer: "Thank you boss for your appreciation. "

Nelson (Hong Kong partner of the team) left around 11:15.

11:15– 11:30

The situation suddenly escalated at an unimaginable speed.

Steven, Hilbert, another female colleague and I sat together and sang a few songs together. During the period, Steven, who was sitting on my right, moved his left hand to my waist, and then he started to move his hand upwards. I realized that Things got serious, I started twisting my body and clamping my arms to stop it . He didn't stop and his left hand turned around to catch my shoulder and slid to my breast to caress. I twisted more and grabbed his hand to stop it. He took my hand easily. Sweating all over from fright, I felt he kissed my face. Then he tried to put his hand through the bottom of my clothes. I couldn't bear it and turned my head to him and said, "Steven, no. "He kept trying and didn't stop until I repeated it. Finally he got up and went to the bathroom.

I was still in shock, and a few colleagues sitting on the left immediately came to ask me if I was ok. Only then did I know that the colleagues sitting on my left felt my gradually increasing movement. They suggested to go to the bathroom and switch seats with me when I came back.

When I got up to go to the toilet, I passed by Hilbert and said, "I can’t take it anymore , let's end it as soon as possible." He immediately rejected my request, and I said, "His wandering hands are all over me. " He lightly smiled and said, "Oh really?"

I told the female colleague who rescued me in the toilet what had happened in detail and said that we had to pay the bill and leave immediately. After returning to the room a few minutes later, I found that Steven had already thrown himself on A who was sitting on his right.

According to A's description afterwards, Steven suddenly put his both arms around her . One of the arms went around her shoulder to touch her breast. She kept trying to pull it away but felt Steven insisting strongly. At this time, she began to ask Florence and another male colleague for help. Florence, the only female executive in the room, not only did not help, but also pointed her mobile phone at A and Steven. Only the male colleague came over and suggested go home with A. During the period, two female colleagues also offered to toast with Steven and take a group photo so that A can escape.

I found out afterwards that one of the female colleagues couldn't stand it anymore and asked Hilbert to pay the bill to end the night several times. Hilbert finally agreed, and Florence said to the female colleague: "The real world is this dark."

After 11:30

Before leaving the room, Steven stood up and hugged A again (more than 10 seconds). Then he came to hug me, and he tried to find my lips. I was able to escape by blocking with my hands. A told me afterwards that Steven also tried to kiss her while hugging.

Before leaving the room, Steven asked me: "Nicole, you are not going to send me back to the hotel?" I said it’s not on my way home and rejected.

The evening was over, but the bullying and malice continued.

Florence said below words on the taxi home, in front of three other colleagues:

"I think Nicole was enjoying it."

"Actually, who knows if she wants to go higher position through this, I saw her exchanged WeChat with the boss as soon as she came."

"Nicole is not young, she must have experience with these men and women's physicalcontact. So she much know where are the boundaries. From my understanding, if she doesn't say no then it’s tacit consent. "

The night is over. This incident had a serious impact on the body and mind of A and me. We were depressed and negative for several days in a row, and A could still feel the StevenAt that time, she squeezed her breasts hard, and decided to seek help from a psychiatrist.

My Voice

Sexual harassment in the workplace is the unscrupulous bullying and trampling of subordinates by superiors using resources and power. Nowadays, Metoo Movement is in full swing around the world, and the voices supporting women in society are deafening. As an executive who has worked in a top multinational auditing and consulting firm for more than ten years, they can use their power and position to make such indecent and shameless actions and make such indifferent and vicious remarks in public , It's really shocking.

The reason why the book "Black Box: Shame of Japan" is called "Shame of Japan" is because this incident is by no means the shame of a male perpetrator, but the shame of the whole system of society, judiciary, administration, and media. Judging from this incident I experienced, the perpetrator is certainly shameful, but the organizers, instigators, cold-eyed bystanders, whitewashers are even more shameful . It is also a shame to the team's values and culture, and a shame to the performance appraisal system for promotion and salary increase.

Steven directlymanages SC&O in Greater CN ,He has the direct power of deciding Hilbert and Florence’s promotion. In my team in Hong Kong, everyone knows that apart from the partner , Hilbert and Florence have the absolute power of deciding the performance appraisal and promotion for the team. Steven’s behavior is certainly shameful, but the development of the situation is absolutely inseparable from Hilbert and Florence who has actively organized, abetted and contributed by calling and urging female colleagues to come to entertain the boss and encourage the boss to have physical contact with female colleagues in extended work occasions. When the sexual harassment happened, these two, as the core leaders of the team in the room, not only did not immediately stop and protect their subordinates, but were happy to see the success of their plan. After what happened, Florence still tried to stigmatize the victims to excuse what they did. Till now, these two are still obsessed with it and don't take it seriously. The next day after the incident, they have already started to arrange the "Team Dinner with Steven" in March.

After the incident, I kept thinking that all the male executives present have daughters. And the senior manager who smeared the victims afterwards is also a woman. Did they ever think that their daughters would enter the workplace one day? Can they accept their daughter being treated like this? Do they speculate that maybe their daughter enjoys it and uses it as a shortcut to the top? Would they blame their daughter for not refusing immediately? Will they encourage their daughters to stand up to identify the perpetrators, and speak out bravely for women? I am really confused.

I joined the Big 4 Consulting Firm when I graduated and have worked in the Big 4 for nearly 7 years. During these years, I have been working diligently, performing well, and treating my subordinates kindly. Colleagues from the previous Big 4 firm and EY who have worked with me are all aware of my character and conduct. I have repeatedly expressed my recognition of the Big 4 corporate culture and employee values in private and in public, but I did not expect to be trampled on by the regional senior executives and be used as sexual resources by my direct superiors. I also feel extremely disappointed and saddened by the organizers and abettors who watched with cold eyes and slandered maliciously.

The education I have received and the values I hold do not allow me to swallow my anger and let things go. I cannot tolerate the existence of such people, behaviors, words, and values in the world of 2023. I cannot tolerate being trampled and maliciously smeared in a team that I used to love and trust so much. And I cannot tolerate seeing the junior who has only worked for less than two years feeling overwhelmed by such bullying. I had to speak out. If I don't, these perpetrators, organizers and bystanders will continue to rely on their positions to distort the facts, bully more weak people, continue to smear the victims, promote the theory that the victims are guilty, and continue to contribute to the toxic team culture and influence EY core values and corporate image.

I was planning to report this after I resign , but I couldn't sleep at night and had to fight back immediately. I am not as senior as these people and my voice might be soft, but I understand in the core values of the Big 4 in and out. I have reason to trust EY, and I have reason to believe that the senior management team can hear my voice and uphold justice for us. We are not wrong, why should we be afraid?

I hope that the firm will not only severely punish the perpetrators, but also the organizers, instigators and malicious smearers. I do not accept any apology or compensation . I just hope that the truth can be restored, justice will be given to the victims, fairness can be given to women in workplace. And the upright corporate values, culture full of justice and a safe working environment can be given to all the EY coworkers.

Best regards,








澳洲女神|墨尔本女神|墨尔本男神|悉尼女神|澳洲网红|澳洲脱单|澳洲交友|墨尔本交友|悉尼交友|墨尔本留学|澳洲女友|悉尼留学|墨尔本周末|悉尼找室友|墨尔本约会|墨尔本生活|悉尼生活|阿德莱德交友|布里斯班交友|Melbourne|Sydney|Brisbane|Adelaide脱单|悉尼周末|墨尔本脱单|澳洲单身俱乐部|澳洲社交|澳洲一日女友|土澳交友|澳洲华人|澳洲留学生|墨尔本校花|悉尼校花 |布里斯班单身

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